Monday, May 24, 2010

Malibu Pier on a beautiful day
Peace is the essence

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Hailey looks like an angel
I want her eyes, there amazingggg

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Love thiss

Wondrous Animals

Whos a cutie
No matter how different, you can still be friends


The Lawerence Welk Show, on Saturday Night Live.
Go watch it, u will laugh at this girl.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Lovelely winter sunset that i took at my house. love clouds, love mountain, ocean looks perfect. it was worth being waken up at 6 am to take it
My soccer team. Cyclones. whata great team love them to much.
My love. ultimate favorite drink.
The next Beethoven.
Ive never watched this show, but want to. Its about these guys who have made a list of 100 things they want to do before they die. it seems pretty cool
Ive never really thought about this question for to long. I should though...
In later posts Ill probably have a list going
Im liking the spikes...puh lezzz its a mohawk.
To cute of babies
Walking on water? she under water? u decided.
I wish i had a picture of myself doing something crazy like this

Thursday, May 13, 2010


I loveee floopy hats like this. I have one that Im in love with. just the diffrent

Its been awhile

Its been a few days but im back on the blog. Bahaha that sounded lame, but heyyy so Testing was this week....big bummer. They make u read these passages that you end up never having to answer questions about. You sit there for 2 hours taking a test. Wow.
Purse was stolen today. Who in there right mind would even think about doing that. MY MONEY BETTER STILL BE THERE. who the hell do they think they are?

luckily my purse has been founded.
hehe i guess i over reacted a bit.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Word to your Mother


Another Fav.

such a great shop

Happy Mother's Day!

Today I woke up about 6:30 tired and sleepy, to hear my mom going to get breakfast. Realizing I should help her, I made eggs, toast, salmon, and fried tomatoes. Everything was completely cold, and kind of gross. This is why i don't cook. My mom and I watched the fabulous movie As Good as it Gets, and then went outside on our new lounge chair thing, which is basically a bed made for out doors but with out the blankets. We literally sat on it all day playing playlist after playlist of music of quite bands playing in the background. I had my OJ -on the roX :) - and mom had her cranberry on the rocks. We sat, swim suits on, tanning, and big hats on our heads. The pool too cold to go in, but glistened in the light. It was quite, and by the end of the day the winds really picked it up, but for most of the day it was nice and hot out. We played spit and gin, and read some magazines and talked. The trees were the perfect shade, and not a cloud was in sight. It twas the perfect day. We ate some hava chips with some guac. . and i took a wonderful 20 minute nap. Finally at 5 we came back in the house, watching a little tv and were off again. I got to back up the car which my mom panicked about. We got nice malibu yogurt, and when pulling into the drive way i got to pull in. Yes, mom panicked, but I did quite good.
Now sitting with my mom watching tv. Whata great day, happy mothers day, to my wonderful truely amazing role model of a mother. Thanks moma for everything.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Valentino Documentary is on.

He is a genius, his clothes are amazing, every thing sowed by hand, each piece one of a kind.
And he lived during some great times with fashion.

Turn to your movie channels now, you'll find it
Valentino: The Last Empire.
Way to go big V

Let us be chillin

Chillin out maxin relaxin allll cool
-fresh prince of bel air

brandon and cousin
photo credit:my self

Friday, May 7, 2010


Today Brandon and I were watching TV when he turns to me and says "WOAH, ur feet!" Knowing that my toes had bruises from soccer, no nail polish, and my left big toe had been slammed on from me ( at his house), and was still healing...i hid my feet in embaressment. That got us talking about feet. Is it not the weridest thing to stare at your feet? For me after a while its like there something crazy, not my feet, something so werid. You cant see it in the picture, but i can spred my toes so far apart! and my toe next to the big one is almost taller than the big toe! toes are so crazyyy werid. Brandons are big, and the nails are short. Feet can drive a person crazy.

Monday, May 3, 2010

You know what bugs me? How every day I log onto this blog thing to see the words "no new subscribers yet" or "0 comments" it is quite deppressing. I will honor you if you are the first to do one of those things.
You will be amazing. So please, please just do it
go to my blog and comment, say something ANYTHING.
thank you to all the people who are probably still not seeing what i just wrote.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

I acutally was taking a photo of Cooper (my dog) and I, when he moved closer to the camera, and i made a werid face and took the photo.
I dont play the guitar, i play piano, but i love how a guitar looks, this is haileys guitar, but i do i took this photo when she was playing a song she made up
Hailey and Brandon, part of my favorite-people-group.
We were at the beach, the scenery was cool, and i didnt have to tell them "go run and sit on the benches for the photo" they were just kind of their
I took this when on the way to the beach. i love the lighting for some werid reason
My adopted second brother and sister. haha hailey and brandon. "family portrait"
I had the choice of putting a normal one of us smiling or this one. I thought this one was cool cuz were all doing different things, so why not put this one up
the next few photos, i can say i do get photo credit for them..
Hailey at her house, brandons amazing ring,
I thought it was a veryy cool photo
I love photos like this, the mess up ones, because you get the weridest things out of it

change it up

So, if you are looking through my blog right now, you can probably also hear the music playing, or if you didnt know there is music playing...maybe its time for u to turn up the volumeee. But anyways, I have the coldplay song that keeps playing, and when u change pages it goes right back to it, so i suggest that when it comes on...maybe shuffle it o the 3rd or 4th song to change it up a bit. Just some advice, its all good what ever u do

Saturday, May 1, 2010

heres alexis


So today, all you known followers get to hear about how I am hanging with ALEXIS . yEah be pretty excited for me. hear is a photo of her on the next thing i post :)