Sunday, August 8, 2010


What I have failed to mention is that I have seen more football movies this summer than I ever have before. Some I've seen,most I havn't , some are favs. some sad, some happy. I'll give football credit....there movies are truely inspirational. Heres the list :

Remember the Titans
Brain's Song
We are Marshall
The Blind Side

and I am soon to see Express.

For me Remember the Titans is one of my favorite movies (as seen on my favorite movies list) Its funny, sad, powerful, and at the end I just want to scream WAY TO GO. The music makes the power even stronger and I love the acting. My dad and I can recite practically all the lines from it. I can watch it 3 times in a row and never get sick of it. I love this movie sooooo much.

The problem My dad and I always have is the factor that what is are favorite football movie.
Well The blind Side might have been good (I didnt cry like most did) but for me, its not really a football movie. more about someone helping some one else,, out. Rudy is AMAZING also, and at the end Im always left crying and thinking, "the feelings he must have felt" but this isn't so much a football movie, as more of a motivational story. Brain's song, was another classic favorite, that for the last 20 minutes of it, im crying, but its not my favorite football movie. Invincible was good, and powerful, but not like the others. And after seeing We are Marshall, I dont know whether to put that or remember the titans as my favorite. I cried so hard, smiled, laughed, and felt so much emotion.

While I figure out what my favorite FOOTBALL movie is, at the moment its a tie. With Remember the Titans as my powerful movie, and We are Marshall as my sad movie.

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