Wednesday, November 10, 2010


In english class we have been reading the book The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger. And my teacher started talking about those times when you are a kid that are so amazing and so magical, that are hard to ever imagine or try to imagine about when you are older. You lose that innocence. I always think about it all the time anyways, but it made me really depressed, all i want to do is go back to those childhood memories that were so great.
Here are a few of mine, that I got to say for the class:

Pretending to be mermaids, spy's, fairies on a scooter explorers, a cook, a dog. I played with dolls and created worlds with my stuff animals, thought I could be in movies and plays, the greatest artist. I built tents and forts, and clothing, and other things.
I had quiet the imagination.

What would be your great childhood memories?

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