Thursday, April 29, 2010

thought of the day

Today I learned that even when your nervous and scared, or feel like your not good enough. do it any ways. What do you have to lose? well unless its something that you can lose, than maybe think about the choice a little more. But for me, i just had to go for it. Who cares what happens? no one is going to come up to your face and tell you straight that you suck. Well if they do, they are low life people who only care for themselves. Do what you want. No ones forcing it. Go for it.
just a thought for you to know for the day


I love any type of music really. Not so much country because it sounds whinnie to me, but i do like the dixie chicks and tim mcgraw has a few good songs. Heavy metal is a little to much for me, but i still sometimes listen to it. But really, i LOVE anything else. Coachella came this year, and i missed it, biggest bummer in the world. Looked soooo good. Coldplay is a fav. because i feel like there so different. I love the lyrics to there songs, there amazing and genious beats. I dont care if apperently they "copied" viva la vida's beat from someone else. There lyrics are genious. I love the parts in the song where its a tune or beat or instrument that makes you smile or gives you the chills. Example: in Tiny Dancer by Elton John, after the chorus there is a part where the violins come in. omg amazing. I love singers who can hit amazing notes like aretha franklin in the song nessa duerma. Unbelievable. I love oldies, bands, classics, etc. I feel like 60, 70 80's and maybe 90's have kind of better music than today. So original, and great. But dont get me wrong i love music from my generation. I like things from the red hot chili pepers to unknown bands that no one knows of and then out of the blue they become popular. anything with great lyrics a good beat and is catchy is good for me to listen. Im also a sucker for a silent play list, one i can fall asleep to. Amy ( seen in previous pictures) puts about 4000 songs on my ipod, half ive never heard of, and everyday i hear a new band or song.
Music is my life, i cant live without it

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


To follow up more on the topic of movies, on my computer there is a program called front row. Front row is where you can watch trailers to movies that wont be coming out for awhile, or are already out. And let me tell you, you have got a lot of movies to look forward to seeing.

Sunday, April 25, 2010


Not only was I watching movies this weekend,
I went to an -Antique farms market- type place. It had things from sooooo many years ago. It was a very cool and fun.
Funiest thing of the day:
Woman walks by with her dog, looking at old antique exspensive furniture. And the dog just pees on one sees a thing.
Accept me and my mom
:) very funny

Movies to see

So, I just watched two new movies that were extremely amazingly great. The first was Kick Ass, which is the super hero movie, and im not going to give anything away, but it was soooo good. The girl in it "hit girl" is unbelievable, like a new role model. Dave "kick ass" is funny and gorgeous, and my friend Kenny was in the movie! way to go kenny! I walked out of the movie felling like I needed to be a supper hero, maybe kicking some people a long the way. Some parts when the music was playing, i would get the chills and think "here comes Kick Ass to go destroy someone" AHHHHH so good.
The next movie is the Lovely Bones. I love mysterys and crime things (Thats why i like the tv shows criminal minds, law and order, etc) and thats what the movie was kind of like. I got nervous at nervous scenes and like happy at happy scenes. THat acting was so good. It was an over all great movie.
Well those are the movies for the weekend. You should probably go see them, all you people reading my blog.
aka no one. But its cool, your missing out, haha that was a joke.
Go watch a movie, im about to watch another.

Saturday, April 24, 2010


Well, I am with brandon. Jumped in a cool pool, made balloon animals, and may go to a flea market. Soon to see the movie Kick Ass.
Also, played UNO. Andddd the roses have grown in. with april flowers falling.
April is for sure here

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Was just talking to Amy, ohhh how she makes me laugh. ha ha ha.
Hopefully more than myself is reading this blog. That would be super nice if someone did. Hopefully, Hopefully, im getting Amy and soon her follow my blog. Oh that would be just wickedly splendedddddddd.
Does anyone know how far Mercury is from the sun...INNNN astronomical units??? yeah didnt think so, neither did I. But I studied it, its .39 AU away. Bored already? so was i. Have to go study some more for science
Bye. Chow. Adios. Auvoir

break the dinner

i repet NOTHING
wrong with a good breakfast for dinner.
Its a classic
From the Fish and the girl, allllll the way down to the photo wall, those photos arent mine.
But i think they are pretty amazing and cool and colorful. So im not taking credit for any of them, i got them from photo bucket, from some wonderful creaters of photos.
Thanks for letting me use them

I had a fish once, his name was fred the fish. He lived for 3 years while i was a kid. yeah i can say i was the first to cry when my fish passed away.
RIP fred

Forever young.
My childhood,
why did u go so fast?

such a cool photo

The princess bride


I wish I had 20 of these cameras, with unlimited amount of its film

Makes the coolest of pictures.
Brings me to tears.
The one thing, im scared of.
Even though its so innocent

Go paint a rainbow

saw this picture and thought of the songg

Chain reaction
one drop, can start something

to cool

When I get married, I thought i just wanted to be married on the beach.
But after seeing this photo, i think i just want my man and me, a perfect dress, and getting married in a beautiful ocean, during a sunset.

ehhh ok the guests will have to deal with being in the water


haha yeahh...i just thought it was funny


Funny thing is, ive seen some accidents in his boots.
But there still amazing

Just to amazing, thats why their my favorite.
Ive obsessed with them since forever.
Can't u see why?

Just may be my new saying

Lay me down in a field like this
Ill stay a while


And then the crowd went WiLd...

I draw when I need something to do

Dance in the Rain

I want my walls to look like this

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

A genius's words

"I am interested in entertaining people, in bringing pleasure, particularly laughter, to others, rather than being concerned with 'expressing' myself with obscure creative impressions.""You can design and create, and build the most wonderful place in the world. But it takes people to make the dream a reality."
-Walt Disney

Monday, April 5, 2010

Mother and Daughter
.cousin and aunt
Love is key

Me with my "ears" on, and my cousin with hers on.
Christmas in England, is the best

My best friend is absolutely gorgeous, to the point where in any postion she looks amazing.
She always looks good

Amy and me at her 30th

What can I say. My moms another one of my best friends

My two favorite people in one photo. Hailey and Brandon, on a windy halloween day. At the beach.
For some reason, I love this photo. Perfect set up,, makes me want to be there.
Makes me feel pretty happy

Cooper and Lula, my loves.
Brandon quickly took 3 pictures in a row.
I edited it
And in the end, my favorite dogs were caught holding hands


A true hollywood dog

leafy eyes

Brandon, has one of my favorite eyes.
Poked a hole in a leaf, put his eye against it
=genius photo

Send me to the beach. Now.
In fact, just make it summer all ready.

First time for everything

For awhile now, I have been thinking about getting a blog. Just thought its time to put things in my head and in my camera,
onto something.
Here. It. Goes...